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Join SVS:

Silicon Valley Strong calls on the community to stay informed and look out for each other. Our principles are very simple: We are going to move fast, we will act comprehensively countywide, and we will act as one team.

This critical, regional effort seeks volunteers to ensure food security for our most vulnerable residents among the 1.9M people in this County. We will focus our delivery efforts primarily on seniors and the medically vulnerable, who are both urged to self-isolate for their own safety. serves as a hub with critical updates and resources for vulnerable neighbors–accepting tips for additional information at

While we all find ourselves in a time of strife and struggle, we are encouraged by foundations, businesses, and individuals reaching out to lend their resources to people in need of immediate support through donations to the Silicon Valley Strong Fund.

Join the movement on social media with the hashtag #SiliconValleyStrong to share news, updates, and community resources. Find a digital media toolkit here, including logos, graphics, and messaging. Access more media information and recent news clips in the media center.

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